As part of the Street Art “Incursions Sauvages” Exhibition

Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris

12 April 2022 to 10 September 2022

Ambisonic sound installation (4 minutes)


The weather is fair and the bustle of Parisian life seems unremarkable. Coffee shops are teeming with life but as we walk further on to the market, strange sounds can be heard in the distance. Is it the noise of the city or the cries of animals? There is stress in the air. The animal world warns us that something is wrong.

Life on earth feels like it is accelerating, perhaps losing control while a noisy herd in full cavalcade comes out of nowhere. But what are they fleeing from?... A silence creeps in before a huge ground swell. A deluge is engulfing everything in its path. The wave has passed, a heavy silence hovers. However, we perceive in the distance a cricket, a few flies too and birds twittering. Swifts and sparrowhawk in search of prey, as well as other small passerines from submerged villages. They are among the few survivers.

Life on earth resumes, peacefully animated by a few insects and birds.

The Earth continues to turn.

Echoing the works of War! and Jussi TwoSeven, Sébastien Jouan recreates a sound world evoking a deluge of modern times.

Inspired by the work of Pierre Schaeffer as well as Mario Gauthier and his Anamorphoses (sound essays). This idea of "saying without words", of "suggesting without showing", that is to say of considering that sound has an inherent narrative and imaginative aspect, which calls us out despite the certain difficulty that arises as soon as it is a matter of "demonstrating" aurally this effect.

Special Thanks to :

• Peter Stitt of SSA Plugins for sound spatialization

• JBL for their support providing loudspeakers

With the support of Harman JBL

Urbanozoo! & Jussi Two Seven
Incursions Sauvages

